
How slow am I?

That I just realized that gothamist.com was co-founded by fellow 345 wall alum Jake Dobkin. Am I really that stupid?

fred durst sex tape.



It turns out that one of my classmates has been blogging his experiences (legal, sexual, fecal) on menlovian.blogspot.com, and he cited our blog as a fellow BLSer's blog. yay. Slightly inaccurate, but appreciated. Now we just need some content... hrm..

EDIT: Menlovian is a reference to a case: Vaughn v. Menlove where the defendant (Menlove) stacked his hayrick too high. It subsequently caught fire (think of the haystack like a compost heap) and his neighbor's house caught on fire. He sued Menlove, and hence the suit. Menlove's torts professor, while discussing some exceptionally stupid activity, referred to it as: "Menlovian". The author of menlovian.blogspot.com (who has successfully managed to keep his identity a secret from most of BLS) considers himself to be performing in a 'menlovian' manner in school, and chose his self-deprecating (and hilarious) name accordingly.


Fun law stuff

Just in case you wondered who owns semen.



fun with t-shirts.

i'm usually not terribly amused by "clever' t-shirts, but this one gave me a good chuckle...


What's next? Adam and Steve? or Madam and Eve?

Just because you're a lesbian doesn' t make you less of a bein!


from all of me, to all of you...


big, fat apology monkey.

for all of you bitches who forgot that this past sunday was my birthday (i’m not gonna name any names, but you know who you are… tori, dom and amanda.) and wanted to beg my forgiveness, i have a suggestion for what will deaden my rage: buy me the naming rights to this monkey, please. one of my secret dreams in life is to name a new species. seriously. ...and before you ask, yes, i will name it the “urine monkey”.


hey, i’ve got a question that i’m hoping someone on this forum can answer. when was it determined when we went from b.c. to a.d.? and who decided it? a few half-assed google and wikipedia searches resulted in me preferring to have someone else figure this out for me.


We're gonna need a bigger boat!

Here are some things to check out to kill some time...

Bunnies reenacting movies in 30 seconds. These are great. I love The Shining and The Exorcist ones.


And here are some MP3s from this dude named Owen Pallett who opened up for the Arcade Fire last week. He goes by the unfortunate moniker "Final Fantasy," but he's really, really good.


first spongebob, now this...



I just wanted to have the first post titled that :)

I don't think we should comment on old post, but I think comments on the most recent post are acceptable... and until someone comes up with some new topic, we can banter on the comments?

Is that ridiculous?

my two euros

i think it's easier to converse by just posting again instead of replying to comments. just a thought... (cue one or more wiseacres responding to this post in the comments section)


It all comes back to 345 (only this time it's not chambers st.)

Further details regarding the case:

Sommer is Lambda Legal's lead attorney on the case, Hernandez v. Robles. Jeffrey S. Trachtman and Norman C. Simon of the New York City law firm, Kramer Levin, are co-counsel on the case.

Jeff Tractman, an attorney at Kramer Levin, is the man I interviewed with at the beginning of the year. Why? you ask? because I knew who he was.

He is singlehandedly responsible for the underground nature of the Stuyvesant Voice

I think I'm going to send him a congratulatory email! :)

this just in...

A New York State court ruled today that same-sex couples must be allowed to marry, in a decision that Lambda Legal called “a historic ruling that delivers the state Constitution’s promise of equality to all New Yorkers.” Lambda Legal filed the lawsuit last year, representing five same-sex couples seeking marriage licenses in New York City.

fun with star wars

make with the clickety-clack, y'all.


did you guys know about this?

"In the months after 9/11, Annie Thoms, an English teacher at Stuyvesant, a '93 alum, and the theater adviser at the time, suggested that the students take accounts of staff and students' reactions during and after 9/11 and turn them into a series of monologues. Thoms then published these monologues as With Their Eyes: September 11th – The View from a High School at Ground Zero."

--- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stuyvesant_High_School

i think i wanna buy that book.


putting on pants is hard with an arm-y of one

I'd like to publicly thank Dom for taking such good care of me and my broken elbow. Say what you will, cynics and haters of love! Just know that without his help, I would be doomed to a month of sweatpants. So thanks.

Too bad I'm leaving him for this stud.


...Speaking of haircutters

While I know that blog posts should produce information rather than request it, I just wanted to ask, on the subject of haircutters, if Astor Place is starting to price anyone else out? It's getting a little expensive for me... and I don't know where I'll go if not there. Any suggestions people?

The Hooters of Haircutters

While all of you cool kids were hanging out by "the 345 wall," I was becoming a woman in Hickory Corners. Oh the memories... driving around a cornfield in a busted-up yellow Chevette... buying a bloodstained KISS shirt at a hick garage sale... being brought before the school board for interviewing a lesbian for the school paper... watching my brother be forced to help a redneck bludgeon a deer to death with a tire iron (admittedly, I'd started it all by hitting it with my mom's Windstar). I could go on for hours, but for now, I'll simply pose the question: JEALOUS??? HUH???!!!! JEALOUS!!??? I thought so.

Don't think that the fun stopped when I "made it out," as they say. Thanks to a reliable network of auntie-nieces, daddy-uncles and grandpa-nephews, I keep up with the hometown haps. Some of you have already heard about the current push for "Intelligent Design" in science class at my old high school. But that is for another day, another entry... for today, I thought I'd share a little bit of the plucky entrepreneurial spirit that the good people of West Michigan are known for. Introducing...
Cuutie Cuts

wilkomen, bienvenue, welcome...

hey everybody... glad you could make it!