
better late than... pregnant.

here are some pictures from when me, dom and amanda took off from work for four-twe... uhm... no reason in particular and went to the brooklyn botanical gardens:

running into terence at BLS...
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amanda and dom...
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a fish that kept trying to come ashore...
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and a cow painted on a garbage bin...
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for pictures of actual plants and stuff from out visit, click here.


My new favorite picture


It's days like today that make me miss...

Calling Amanda. Honestly, I don't even know if you still have that number I haven't called it in so long.

Saucy: I can never remember your phone number, Marco.

Shagura: How can you forget it? It's two weeks before Hitler's Birthday?


Saucy: [Shocked] Why do you remember that?

Shagura: It's the only thing I know happened in 1889.

Saucy: You do realize you sound like Rain Man.

I still think about how ridiculous that exchange was. Happy 4/20 all.

And an interesting footnote to the 420 issue. I love law school.


freak hone day.

today is ben and jerry's free cone day. more information can be found here.


Almost Famous

Our very own Shagura has been recognized for the man he is on Craigslist's Rants and Raves.

Dominic M from Brooklyn is an Italian Chump!!!

Toxic Dog

This mysterious mongrel has called the 5,000-acre contaminated expanse of the Berkeley Pit federal Superfund site, combined with Montana Resources' active mine permit area, its home since 1986.


it's all about the phrasing

I posted this in my own blog also because I love this ad campaign and it's totally worth seeing.
Read the two lines of text on the flag on the splash page, and then click bottom left to see the other two versions.
Also available in pdf form.


eye of the tiger posted as haiku

Rocky training spoof
Tongue-in-cheek performance art
Very amusing


Good Wrong Names

The only words that I really like that I can think of right now I posted in my own blog awhile back as words that could make good names (for people) if they didn't mean what they do. The list is as follows:

Additions are welcome.


So what ever happened to Kate?

Is she married? Details people!