
Highlight of my weekend

Surprisingly, the highlight of my weekend was not watching 12 hours of football at Casa Riccobono. It was, in fact, a little something that occured on the ride to Shaolin. Imagine my delight (and Dom's horror) when Tom busted out...wait for it...a QUICK FIX tape! (in case you don't know/forgot, that was Dom and Tom's supermetaltastic band in highschool.) Man, if I had known I was marrying such a rockstar, I woulda gotten implants and some leather pants, just so i could hang.


Blogger Saucy Intruder said...

Opus One Forever!

Yeah, baby!

11:59 AM

Blogger Sweatpants Money said...

hahahaha! buried somewhere in some box in one of my closets is a ticket to a quick fix show. i was thinking of digging it up, and presenting in a frame or something, but then i realized how much that smacked of effort.

3:37 PM

Blogger Lorem Ipsum said...

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9:21 PM

Blogger Lorem Ipsum said...

I would like to point out the fact that the cassette could barely be heard. I attribute it to the fact that cassette tapes can not handle the sheer awesomeness that was Quick Fix. You can barely hear the bass any more! What's the point of Quick Fix if you can't hear the bass?

9:22 PM

Blogger Martha Quinn said...

I think a Quick Fix reunion would be the greatest event of the new century.

10:35 AM


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