
terence is old...

...and i'm not particularly imaginative today. HBD, T!


Live Action Simpsons Intro Part Deux

Okay, so Amanda got this one on march 7th, and my friend found it on the 4th... but it gets to tv on march 26th?

Why was this leaked? Was it worth it? Was it all just a marketing maneuver? Any ideas?


Can You Handle It?

Life can be hard. It can be ugly, more than a little sad and lord knows it can be dirty. Well, kids, I am here today to bring you a little ray of sunshine to kick out the doldrums with unstoppable super cuteness. Click the title above and prepare to say "Aww."


And we STILL together!

Happy Manniversary to Haunted Tank and Fool Me Twice! You're gaining on us. Love, Martha Quinn and Shagura.


First Monday of the Month

You know what that means, right? Magic Garden! I'm bored and I just spent an entire weekend with a bunch of 17-year-olds and they have $3 drinks, so I'm goin'. Who's in?