
...Speaking of haircutters

While I know that blog posts should produce information rather than request it, I just wanted to ask, on the subject of haircutters, if Astor Place is starting to price anyone else out? It's getting a little expensive for me... and I don't know where I'll go if not there. Any suggestions people?


Blogger Sweatpants Money said...

there's that haircutting school on 3rd ave, between maybe 9th and 10th? or 10th and eleventh? on the west side of 3rd ave. i think it's like $5, but i'm assuming that you probably get what you pay for.

9:45 AM

Blogger Saucy Intruder said...

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11:13 AM

Blogger Saucy Intruder said...

I thought they were 13.50 the last time I was there... and they'd gone up about a dollar in less than 6 months. And they'd raised the price twice...


11:24 AM

Blogger Martha Quinn said...

no kidding. i recently had to find a new haircutter lady b/c my old one decided to start charging $90! you lucky bastards.

1:50 PM


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