
who's a pretty girl?

happy birthday, terence!


this just in.

i just checked my voicemail (my phone is almost out of batteries, so i didn't turn it on until just now). kate left me the following message at 9:40 this morning:

"hi, it's me. i'm getting married today at 11 at city hall. hope you can make it."

when i saw her a few weeks ago, she made no indication that her and her boyfriend, with whom she's been living for about a year, had any plans even resembling marriage. i called her, but she didn't pick up, and hasn't called me back yet. i'll keep y'all posted as soon as i find out anything else.

also, amanda was in a gay porno, but i'll let her explain that herself while i go sit in a quiet corner to assume the fetal position and rock gently back and forth.


Finding the real killers.

The Onion of Legal publishing has revealed that O.J. Simpson and Robert Blake are teaming up to find the real killers:

“With my previous experience playing Baretta and O.J. playing Norton from the Naked Gun movies, the real killers don’t stand a chance,“ explained the 71-year-old actor.


phun with photoshop

click here to go to erec... uhm, i mean funny l.o.t.r. related stuff.


High and dry (humor)

I'm sure you're all bored of the gawker reposts by this point, but this post links to an article about everyone's favorite publication

However... I loved this particular quote:
In its first few years, the magazine’s sensibility had its roots in the Hunter S. Thompson school of Gonzo journalism: drug-induced, exploratory, literary. Back then, it wasn’t committed solely to marijuana: the first issue’s cover featured a magic mushroom, the next a five-page piece about laughing gas. Later there’d be cocaine centerfolds. And there was certainly a demand for such recreational-drug veneration: in just two years, the journal’s circulation shot up to 420,000.


time for a bitchin' solo...

A Cedar Rapids service station attendant's penchant for "air drumming" has cost him his job.

Condi Rice: American Muse

Now I know many of you also watch the Daily Show, so you might have seen this on last night's show, but this combination of equal parts hillarity and horror really should be shared:



"remember the alamo?"

the astor place cube is alive and well, kids... sort of. i was just there today, and this is what i saw:

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Image hosted by Photobucket.com

Image hosted by Photobucket.com

right after i snapped these pictures some chippie walked by and yelled "holy crap, where the hell is the cube?" into her cell, walking right by the sign.

also, there's an article about the new cube here.

NYT gets cocky

I'm sure everyone who cares has already seen the gawker post, but I thought it was interesting that there was an article in the NYT about the bar, which sits on the corner of Avenue A and 12th Street and is named for the red neon rooster in the window.

That incidentally does not mention the name of said bar.

Clever, huh?


Why didn't I think of this?

Horrifying. But genius.

Save Toby


best. couch-gag. ever.

as homer says, "cool."

also, did y'all know that it was inspired by the movie 'powers of ten'?


A tasty williamsburg treat

Just in case any of you happen to find yourself in billyburg looking for a place to grab a delicious burger, Dumont may be just the right place for you.

I hear the clientele r0x0rz too.

is there something wrong with stuyvesant?

ooooh short answer yes with an if, long answer no with a but...



Maybe you've already seen it, but this site is hi-larious. It's all quotes the writer overheard in passing. Hours (or at least minutes) of entertainment.



Speaking of the 345 wall...

So I went down to Stuy today for a meeting for one of the opposition parties in the UFT. The meeting was in room 740, possibly because someone wanted to use the most random room in the building. Or maybe it had something to do with the oodles of adolescents strewn about practicing for Sing! Anyway, I spoke to the UFT chapter chair at Stuyvesant. Apparantly not the most wonderful place in the world to work under Stanley Teitel. The administration is overbearing, petty, and plays favorites constantly.

No, this probably isn't as interesting as Bo Duke's package, but I felt I needed to make some contribution to our illustrious blog.

It's pronounced "four-twenty"

a coworker found this on theantidrug.com and passed it along. i think it's pretty funny. maybe you will too...

Drug Lingo: Know What to Listen for

"Have you ever heard your teenager reference the time “4:20?” Many parents don’t realize that 420 (pronounced "four-twenty") is a “secret code” for a time to get high. The reference to 420 presumably dates back to '70s stoner lingo but is still widely recognized by the youth of today. Some people have even designated April 20th as "National Pot Smokers Day."

If you hear your teenager reference 420, see that he is using the term while instant messaging with friends or has a 420 sticker on his car or backpack, call him on it. Let him know you know what he's talking about and set up a time for a longer conversation about your family’s no tolerance policy for drug and alcohol use.


Is anyone planning on checking out the "Ashes and Snow" exhibit? Sounds pretty neat.

Also, I was wondering what y'all thought of The Gates... Dom and I went to see it, and while we were both sort of underwhelmed aesthetically, I know I was impressed with the scale of it, and with the huge amounts of planning that must have been necessary. Plus, the fact that the park was packed on a saturday in February is pretty impressive.


Decalogue, you say? I call it a fecalogue!

On a related supreme court note, the supreme court today heard two cases: Van Orden v. Perry and McCreary County v. ACLU.

Both of these cases are about monuments that depict the Ten Commandments displayed on public land. Van Orden (from Texas) lost his case, and the monuments were allowed to stay. McCreary County (Kentucky) lost to the ACLU, and have to remove their monument.

The cool thing about these cases is that they are the basis for the moot court problem I've been dealing with in school. In our case, the monument contains the declaration of independence and the ten commandments. Regardless of whatever else is on it... it must be even tackier than these monuments

The NYT article