
Mike Piazza-Champion

Ah, if there's a gawker post that deserves reposting, it's this one.

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if the Jersey shore became the classed-up destination for hot, gay celebrity sex? Dare to dream, kids, because if there’s anyone we trust on the latest in pitchers and catchers, it’s the hairdresser.


holy matrimony, batman.

Saucy and I have been meaning to post these pics from what has been hailed as the best wedding ever. For those of you who remember her from high school, approx 2 weeks ago my BFF Amanda Zug-Moore got married in a backyard in Red Hook. I was Maid of Honor. In attendance were a lot of hipsters and 2 whole pigs were cooked. And a bunch of men cried from happiness, including the groom.


big pig.

andrew wrote a (in my opinion) very sweet piece that ran in the washington post this 4th of july. you can read it here.


Japanese Weiner, anyone?

Repost from CL/MC

takeru kobayashi at nathans hot dogs - m4m
Reply to: anon-82419349@craigslist.org
Date: 2005-07-04, 5:38PM EDT

dear takeru
you have a way with plump hot dogs and buns.
if you ever desire a tryst .. or another sort of eating contest in which a new yorker races to gobble up a japanese asian wiener, drop me a note.
i will give u a few hours to get rid of those 53 dogs though.
i will bring along some seltzer i guess.

* this is in or around coney island / manhattan
* no -- it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests