Back at Stuy
So I was back in Stuyvesant again for a math team coaches' meeting. While there, I picked up a copy of the Spectator (of course) and it had a couple of pages full of pictures from Halloween. Man, students at Stuy are way better at Halloween than those chumps I teach at Dewey. Best costume was definitely 'Duff Man', unless you're into teenage girls in trashy outfits (Which of course I'm not).
And to further a previous line of conversation in the 345 wall, Stuyvesant seems to have acknowledged its lack of teacher hotness and tried to correct the problem. I just met a few of the math teachers, and while the newer male teachers were way cuter than, say, Mr. Zamansky, the real progress is in the women. Yowsa!
El jefe's next post:
Mr. Zamansky is HAWT!
10:33 AM
I honestly don't know which is better: Picturing you wearing that outfit, or arriving at the party discovering it wasn't a party.
That was a good chuckle :)
7:58 AM
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