
Back at Stuy

So I was back in Stuyvesant again for a math team coaches' meeting. While there, I picked up a copy of the Spectator (of course) and it had a couple of pages full of pictures from Halloween. Man, students at Stuy are way better at Halloween than those chumps I teach at Dewey. Best costume was definitely 'Duff Man', unless you're into teenage girls in trashy outfits (Which of course I'm not).

And to further a previous line of conversation in the 345 wall, Stuyvesant seems to have acknowledged its lack of teacher hotness and tried to correct the problem. I just met a few of the math teachers, and while the newer male teachers were way cuter than, say, Mr. Zamansky, the real progress is in the women. Yowsa!


Blogger Saucy Intruder said...

El jefe's next post:

Mr. Zamansky is HAWT!

10:33 AM

Blogger Saucy Intruder said...

I honestly don't know which is better: Picturing you wearing that outfit, or arriving at the party discovering it wasn't a party.

That was a good chuckle :)

7:58 AM


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